The Power of Self-Care


In the aftermath of the election, I needed to call on the power of self-care. Here are a few of the ways I took care of myself this weekend in an effort to catch my breath, hit the refresh button, and keep fighting the good fight.

1. Took time away from social media. 

In the days after the election, I found myself trapped in a never-ending social media binge. I kept hitting refresh as if I needed to see every last person’s opinion on what was happening. I desperately needed to step away. (There are only so many thought-piece Facebook statuses I can cry over before I start to spiral.) In an effort to avoid my computer screen for a few hours, I re-read Little House in the Big Woods one afternoon. For some evening diversion, Chet and I watched Midnight in Paris and Drive.

2. Gave to a worthy cause.

If you haven’t seen this great list that Jezebel put out last Wednesday definitely go check it out. It includes a whole slew of pro-women, pro-immigrant, pro-Earth, anti-bigotry organizations that need our support. Inspired, I decided to spend some time reading about the American Civil Liberties Union and the work they do. I joined, donated, and spoke to friends and family about why they should do the same.

3. Spent time in the great outdoors. 

As I’ve mentioned before, I was gifted a self-paced photography class for my birthday (Thanks Mom!). The homework from the most recent lecture provided the perfect excuse to get outside in search of cool subject matter. Camera-strapped and sans-phone, I walked around the FIU campus for a few hours. Fresh air and sunshine are such a magical combination, don’t you think? And hopefully I got a few good shots!

4. Told a few folks to come correct. 

Sometimes you need to find comfort in community in order to take care of yourself. A few times over the past week, when commiserating with others, expressing fears and sadness, a rogue individual has butted in to man-splain why getting upset isn’t helpful. Nothing gets my goat like a dude policing my emotions. I will happily tell a fella’ to back off so my little community can continue to care for each other.

5. Re-visited this encouraging website. 

Do you remember this amazing pep-talk generator? (I first talked about it here.) I’ve clicked on it a few times over the past days and it always delivers. I especially loved this pep talk, which popped up right after I’d had a conversation with a friend about how the results of the election made me, as a woman, feel so small…

“Don’t keep yourself too hidden. Embrace feeling small — let it open up the world before you, then watch it change with your touch. From the way you move oceans to the breaths you unknowingly take. The universe is already falling for you. Make lost your new home, and don’t stop. You’re meant to be you, where you are, right now.”

My loves – How have you been taking care of yourself? I hope the list above offers you some ideas if you’re looking for a shot in the arm. Hang in there! 

15 thoughts on “The Power of Self-Care

  1. I had to take a break from Facebook specifically. I’ve about heard it all at this point, and I’m done with it!

    On another note….what class are you taking? I think I’m ready to improve my photography, and I’d be interested to find out if you’d recommend the one you’re taking.

    1. Sometimes it’s just best to step away. Starts to feel like an echo chamber!

      The photography class is from It’s called Fundamentals of Photography and is taught by Joel Sartore (a National Geographic photographer). I’m only a few lessons in but I’d definitely recommend!

  2. Oh I needed that pep-talk generator! I have had to step away from Facebook big time. It has been making me far more miserable that it’s worth. I have enough going on in my life without seeing people gloat and saying horrible things!

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