I have a podcast!!!

uncovered the podcast

Exciting news!!! My friend Katie and I have been talking about starting a podcast together FOR YEARS. And guess what? We finally did it! Our very first episode of Uncovered the Podcast went live yesterday.

So what is our podcast about? CELEBRITY MYSTERIES! Each week, we research the most curious situations involving famous folk…

  • Recent pop culture conundrums,
  • Solutions to the puzzles time (and fame) forgot. (We NEVER forget!), and
  • Celebrity conspiracy theories ranging from completely impossible to totally plausible.

…and then present our mystery to each other (and YOU!) along with theories, rumors, fun facts, and weird tidbits.

We’re not saying everything is true, we’re simply uncovering the possibilities.

In episode 1, Katie deep dove into the mysterious world of Dave J. to find out if Jon Benet Ramsey is alive and well and living as a pop music superstar and I explored the possibility that Jamie Lynn Spears’ teen pregnancy spawned a massive cover up by Nickelodeon executives.

Love celebrity gossip, conspiracy theories, unsolved mysteries, or just listening in on a fun chat between two besties? This might be the podcast for you!

It would mean the world to me if you gave our first epi a listen. (& let me know what you think!!)

We are available on iTunes, PodBean, and Castbox. Katie and I will be putting out new episodes every Sunday.

If you, like me, spend your Sundays knockin’ out chores and implementing self-care, then you know podcasts can be an integral part of that process! So, SUBSCRIBE to Uncovered and you’ll have something new waitin’ for you every Sunday! xoxo

P.S. As you might imagine, pictorial evidence is part of the fun when you’re covering celebrity mysteries. So we have an INSTAGRAM for all that jazz! Would love if you’d follow us there!!

What are some of your favorite podcasts? Do you love weird celebrity conspiracy theories as much as me and my co-host Katie? Let me know! 

14 thoughts on “I have a podcast!!!

  1. This is so exciting! Congrats to you! I don’t regularly listen to podcasts or even subscribe (more like look for some when I have a long drive coming up, etc,) but I will download yours and check it out for sure!

  2. Love my the idea…. Congratulations on starting… and I think it’ll be really interesting since it’s 2 people… Been battling being consistent on my soundcloud after I created the account…. counting down to next Sunday

    1. It’s really fun to record with someone else…especially a good friend! It’s a great excuse for a weekly phone call…just with lots of other people listening in too. Haha!

  3. Congratulations Beth, that’s really great to know. I am not so into podcasts but I think I have to check yours, I am sure you are doing a wonderful job.

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