11 Ways to Sneak in Healthy Habits When You’re Traveling

11 ways to sneak in healthy habits when you're traveling*This post may contain affiliate links.

Do you travel a lot? When I was in college, competing for our school’s speech team, I traveled a TON. It was a very busy season of my life; jumping on a bus, plane, or 15 passenger van to show up at tournaments all across the country. It was an amazing experience and certainly a privilege.

But here’s the thing…with all that travel, came some unexpected consequences. I got sick. Like…a lot. If I could go back in time, putting a HUGE emphasis on healthy travel would be the first change I’d make!

Whether you’re jet-setting for business or pleasure, nothing can spoil travels quicker than getting ill. Read on to discover 11 tips that will help to keep you in tip-top shape while traveling…

Eat whole foods – While it is easy to prioritize budget and speed when picking up meals on the go (read: FAST FOOD), opting for whole foods will make you feel a WHOLE lot better. My favorite way to make this happen for myself while traveling is to grab meals from the deli section of grocery stores. The prices are reasonable and, since you’re already in the store, you can pick up some other yummy and healthier options for munching–like fresh fruits and veg, yogurt, salami, etc. 

Don’t forget your skincare routine – When you’re on the go it can be tempting to cut out important parts of your routine for more sleep (or more fun!). All you need is 10 minutes, so set some time aside and give your skin some love! Don’t forget sunscreen if you’re going to be spending a lot of time outdoors. And if you plan on taking a dip in the hotel pool (or nearby body of water), make sure you know how to clean ears properly and take the time to do so. 

Eat fish – If you’re hitting up a nice, sit-down restaurant consider ordering fish with loads of veggies! Not only does it taste good, but it provides a healthy boost of Omega 3, which is good for your skin and digestion. Not to mention all the vitamin-rich micronutrients in the vegetables. 

Fill up the tub – Hotel air can get super dry, especially if your stay is in the winter months when the heaters are pumping. There are some great travel humidifiers out there (check out this one!) but a simpler option is to fill up the tub with water before you go to bed. 

Drinks lots and lots and LOTS of water – And sticking with that water theme…HYDRATION! Keep a water bottle with you at all times and drink water like it’s going out of style. Try to keep caffeinated drinks to a minimum, maybe just your morning cup of joe, and then opt for water the rest of the day. 

Wash your hands frequently – If you are traveling, you are no doubt going to be in a LOT of public places…sometimes in super close quarters. Make sure to wash your hands frequently, especially before you eat. A good idea is to carry around your own hand sanitizer, in case a bathroom isn’t readily available. 

Snack on fresh fruit – Fruit is such an awesome and portable snack! Plus, they’re good for you, low in calories, and will contribute to your hydration efforts. Pick some up whenever you can…oh, and pro-tip: grab a few pieces from that hotel breakfast bar and snack on ’em later–no one will notice. 

Relax – Being “on” for way more hours a day then you’re used to can be exhausting! Find a few moments in your day where you can unwind and catch your breath. Maybe this is taking 10 minutes to meditate before you get dressed in the morning or coming back to your Airbnb 30 minutes before everyone else leaves the bar so you can watch some tv with your phone on airplane mode. 

Be clever with your alcohol – This is not to say you can’t drink, but be smart about it. Alcohol is dehydrating so if you don’t want to reverse all that great work you’ve been doing on this front, then make sure you drink a glass of water in between each drink. Try not to mix drinks too much. And, if you intend on having a long night out, go for something low in alcohol content, or have something slightly watered down, such as a white wine spritzer. After all, nothing is worse than boarding a flight hungover.

Take your vitamins – You may think those 7-day pill cases are just for old people but hey, don’t knock it ’til you try it! Divvy up your medications and vitamins and then set a dang alarm on your phone so you don’t forget to take ’em. I also like to bring emergen-c packets and herbal teas. If you are looking for something that brings you a quick dose of relaxation while on the go, you may want to try CBD. CBD gummies are a lot like chewing on a piece of candy, with more positive side effects. You can see this list from Remedy Review for the best CBD gummies. 

Take advantage of the hotel gym – If you are staying in a hotel, take advantage of their gym facilities. Most hotels have a gym with at least a treadmill and a bike. Go sweat it out for a little bit and get those endorphins pumping. You’ll feel better and sleep better, too. Alternatively, pop a yoga video on your laptop and do a little downward dog in your room. Or go for a jog! A great way to check out the city while also getting in a workout. 

How do YOU stay healthy while traveling? Share your tips & tricks below!

P.S. Wanna up your travel game even MORE? Here are the products I recommend.
P.P.S. If you enjoyed this content and would like to support my sweet blog (thank you!)–click HERE. 

5 thoughts on “11 Ways to Sneak in Healthy Habits When You’re Traveling

  1. These are such great tips! It’s so tempting to eat poorly when traveling, but there are definitely ways to sample the local food without gorging on food that’s bad for you. Great tip about drinking lots of water – I think that helps everything!

  2. I have never thought about filling up the tub in the hotel room for humidity. I am so prone to getting sick while traveling, especially when due to the AC/heat back and forth, and this would help so much.

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