Tag Archives: business

mid-week round-up

Hello Delight-Seekers! And welcome to the first mid-week round-up of 2019… How is your January faring? After all the holiday travel in December, I’m happy to be returning to a slower pace. The past few days have been filled with work and good amount of CHILL-TIME…and I’m just fine with that. The weather is beautiful and sunny today (I had an hour long work call this morning that I was all too happy to take outside) and we’re hoping it holds to accommodate some outdoor projects we need to tackle this weekend. Hope your new year is off to a magnificent start, and here are a few fun things you might want to check out before you go…

A charming neighborhood library made from a rotting tree.

What podcasts do you think people should listen to in 2019?

How cities make money by fining the poor.

Gotta try this oatless oatmeal. (Yes, I’m on a Whole 30.)

Moving to New Orleans from New York City.

9 things that we haven’t updated since they were invented.

22 musicals in 12 minutes.

A freelancer and a full-timer debate whether the grass is actually greener.

An oral history of the greatest ‘Office’ episode ever.

A cookbook to consider when my Whole 30 is over but I still want to stay off the sugar.

Physical flip-flops made from Trump’s contradictory tweets.

Why can’t we tip Amazon warehouse workers?

P.S. A few Finding Delight posts you may have missed — Ballin’ on a Budget Mini Tips and Making a Beach Kit.

List 7: Blog Goals

A new series in which I share lists which I hope will help you to get to know me better. Why? Because I started this blog what feels like forever ago and there’s bound to be some new faces peering in once and awhile! So these posts are kinda like an introduction (or a reintroduction for those who’ve been with me since the jump!). A nice to meet ya, so glad you stopped by, now STAY AWHILE! Why lists? Because I love making ’em! (+ it’s the summer and I can give myself some grace when it comes to not posting overly-elaborate blog posts.)

PRE-P.S. This will be my last list in this summer series. HOWEVER, I’ve really enjoyed sharing a bit more about myself in this manner…SO – I’ll plan to keep adding lists here and there throughout the coming year. It just won’t be every Thursday. Hope you enjoy!

My blogging goals…

Continue to organically grow my readership and network.

Find more ways to meaningfully engage with other bloggers.

Reach out to more brands about collaborations.

Brainstorm (and keep track of) series ideas, not just post ideas.

Create an email onboarding sequence to send out when someone subscribes to my mailing list.

Start a Finding Delight book club.

Write an ebook!

Tell me a few of your blogging goals in the comments below! xoxo

[And in case you’re curious…


mid-week round-up

What are you up to this week? Chet’s semester is winding down, so I’m excited to kick off SUMMER. (Although I’m already over the heat…might be a long one!) Other than brainstorming summertime adventures, I’ve got a few, fun projects in the works that have me excited to get to my desk each day. Hope you have a great day, and below are some articles and internet goodies…

This apartment tour is a vintage wonderland!

How to ask for advice over email. Enough with the “Can I buy you coffee and pick your brain?” ALREADY!

What most people get wrong about men and women.

How the kidnapping and murder of Ashlynne Mike changed our country’s Amber Alert protocol.

Why L.A. is becoming the new Iowa.

It’s romper season!

5 spring salads best enjoyed alfresco with a glass of rosé.

The most popular YouTube video in Turkey right now is an American porn star eating Turkish snacks.

Made me laugh! 

Related: TV Recommendation – Westworld. (Did you watch the season 2 premiere?)

I’m a sucker for a good organizer.

A quick, no-cook meal prep idea for the week because sometimes you just don’t want to cook, ammiright?

A new movie about debate!

P.S. A few Finding Delight posts you may have missed — Movie Recommendation: Carnage and Recipe: Apple Pie Oatmeal.

mid-week round-up

What have you been up to lately, lovelies? I’m counting down the days because…I’m flying to Los Angeles one week from today!!! I’ll be celebrating and exploring with my dear friend Adam (it will be his birthday while we’re there!) and hopefully seeing some other West Coast loves. I can’t wait! But I’m almost done with the book I’m reading so I need to pick a new one for the plane. Any suggestions? I’m flying direct so I’m gonna need a page-turner to pass the time! If you have fun plans forthcoming, I hope the days fly by (I know that’s what I’m wishing for!), but until then…

David Hogg, Florida school shooting survivor: “I’m not a crisis actor.”

This disease kills half the people it infects. Why isn’t more being done to prevent it?

The pub that banned swearing.

27 things you’re really thinking when you watch figure skating.

Would you use aloe vera on your hair?

I never knew what an interesting character founder of Ikea, Ingvar Kamprad, was until his death.

Michael Kosinski used artificial intelligence to detect sexual orientation.

When Barbie went to war with Bratz.

At Saudi Arabian camel beauty pageants botox is a big no-no.

Related: A lady-adventurer who crossed the Australian desert with 4 camels.

50 truly doable ways to make any day better.

Despite their different colors, science says ALL Skittles are the same flavor!

Obviously I do, but a lot of times…I don’t.

P.S. A few Finding Delight posts you may have missed — My New Journal Approach and Tea Party Faves.

Creating a Job Around What You Love

*This post may contain affiliate links.*

Many of us have a desk we spend time at, with a computer on top of it and everything we enjoy using in the drawers below. While some folks may consider their desk a sanctuary, others may count down the hours until they get to clock-off. No matter the position you’re in, there’s something you love to do. Whether that’s a bit of knitting after a stressful day, or taking beautiful photographs in your spare time, there’s a lot you can get out of your passions. So make sure you do! It’s time to capitalize on your hobby and start creating a job around what you love. Let’s chat about how…

Dedicate a Website to Your Passion

Websites are getting easier and easier to make because of all the wonderful information you can access (for free!) out there. There are entire free programs dedicated to teaching the world about coding, so you’re in for a win when it comes to designing your own website. And you’re going to need one!

Websites make sure all of your information, content, and products are kept in one neat place for people to find. If a customer has to chase you over multiple media channels, they’re going to give up at the first hurdle. It also presents your business as a little less legitimate at the end of the day; having to follow a digital trail does not instill a sense of security for people’s payment details!

Write Up Some Goals

Your goals are what will keep you churning out quality content and products you enjoy making for months and years to come. Set a short term goal and a long term goal for your business and put systems in place to achieve them. Keeping sight of how you want your life to look in six months, 3 years…even ten years(!) will keep you from stagnating, and your passion will stay your passion.

So maybe you want to reach $500 by the end of the month. If so, make sure you work as much as you can towards that one goal. I’m talking laser focus! While it may feel like a drop in the bucket towards the annual salary you’re used to, when you’re first starting out it’s a milestone. And it’s absolutely achievable. AND it will give you a lot more motivation to keep going and start bringing in an amount with a few more zeros.

Always Look to Expand

At the end of the day, expansion is simply another goal to reach towards. If you’re making enough money to support yourself in the field of your passions, perhaps it’s time to set your sights higher. But what if you don’t have the funds? What if you’re not sure whether you can make the right amount of money to hire on someone else or pay for a marketing campaign?

Don’t worry, there’s plenty of funding sources out there that pay out and pay off. Ladies, consider taking out a women’s small business loan with a trusted company; it’ll keep you motivated to keep earning, and can give you the leg up you’re looking for. Sometimes a small amount of debt is worth it to keep the headaches of financial uncertainty from straining your passions!

Creating a business around your passion is a fun step forward in total self employment. Would you try it? Have you? Tell us about it!

mid-week round-up

Hello friends! What’s going on this week? With everyone’s talk of “sweater weather” and cooler temperatures, I’m feeling a bit like I have the opposite of Seasonal Affective Disorder. We’ll call it OMG WHY HAS IT BEEN HOT FOR SO MANY MONTHS??? Syndrome. Maybe some activities to mark the passing seasons would be helpful?? I already put up some Autumn/Halloween decorations but what else could be fun? Any ideas?? I’m all ears! Also, the comments on this post make me excited to continue sharing about mantras in the coming weeks. ‘Til then, here are some links…

Fleeing the fires in Sonoma County.

In the poorest towns, where even Wal-Mart failed, Dollar General is turning a profit.

A run-down of the best emergency preparedness supplies.

On my reading list.

My charitable donation for October went to Center for Reproductive Rights.

U.S. officials inadvertently included a Bloomberg reporter on an internal email list about Hurricane Maria.

The Halloween costume everyone was wearing the year you were born.

And I just ordered some Christmas decorations because it’s never too early.

Have you heard of the new online grocery store where everything costs $3?

Residents of Barbuda return to pick up the pieces after hurricane.

15 things to do when you’re bored at work.

What’s next on your reading list? Find out how long it will take to read.

P.S. A few Finding Delight posts you may have missed — Too Many Books, Never Enough Time and Desk Drawer Must-Haves.