Tag Archives: hydration

10 Tips for Working an Event

One aspect of work-life that I look back on fondly now that I’m a work-from-home freelancer is working events. From hosting speech tournaments on college campuses when I was a forensics coach to planning and executing a street fair during my days on the marketing team at a food co-op, these all day affairs used to be a pretty common occurrence for me. They were always stressful. Always a lot of work. But oh so rewarding at the end of the day when you pulled it off.

After a lot of years, and a lot of trial and error, I feel like I eventually got working events down to a fine science. Whether you run conferences, host all-day trainings, or volunteer at your kid’s model UN tournaments, you know the deal! Here are my top tips —

Preparation –

1. Get plenty of sleep the night before.

I’ve worked plenty of events in a state of exhaustion and, let me tell you, it ain’t fun. Do everything in your power to show up bright eyed and bushy tailed. It will feel like way less of a slog and the hours will fly by if you go into the day feeling energetic. If the event starts later in the day still get plenty of rest the night before and make sure to eat well and drink plenty of water throughout the day.

2. Eat a hearty, well-balanced breakfast.

When you’ve gotta go, go, go – sitting down for a decent meal isn’t always possible. Waking up just a tiny bit earlier is totally worth it if it means you won’t have to scarf a pop-tart in the car on the way there.

3. If you can, spend some time outside and/or do some form of light exercise before you go or when you get a break.

This will give you a nice boost of energy and stamina. It seems counter-intuitive, especially if you know you’re going to be running around and doing a lot of set up throughout the day, but I promise those exercise endorphins are worth it. And the sunlight part is a no brainer if you’re going to be spending the next million hours inside.

During the event –

4. Wear comfortable shoes.

If the event is a more casual situation and you can get away with rocking walking shoes, by all means! But even if this is a biz-cas affair, make sure your shoes are selected for comfort and not style. (I mean, you can have both…but you know what I mean.) I spent way too many years rocking ballet flats at events before I realized those aren’t the BEST option for gallivanting from one end of a college campus to the other and being on your feet all day.

5. Hydrate.

I’ll say it again for the people in the back — HYDRATE! Keep a water bottle close at hand and just keep guzzling. Nothing takes the pep out of your step like thirst.

6. Keep your pockets stocked.

I always want to remain incredibly mobile when working an event…and I don’t really want to carry a bag everywhere I go OR have to add even MORE steps to my daily total to run to a “home base” for what I need. For me, this means keeping some cash and my debit card on my person throughout the day.

7. Have portable snacks on hand.

Sometimes your only downtime when working events is when you’re walking from one place to another. So, I like to bring along portable snacks that I can eat on the go. Bananas and granola/protein bars are great for this. NOM.

8. Avoid the urge to pound caffeine and sugar all day.

Another reason to show up well-rested. All the caffeine and sugar crashes just aren’t worth it…not to mention it will mess with your sleep after the event is over. Don’t you want to sleep like a baby after your marathon day? I think yes.

9. Say “Thank you!”

Successful events truly take a village. Show your gratitude as much as possible. Even if you’re not the one at the tippy-top running the whole shebang, there are certainly people who are making your part in the whole thing easier. Tell them you appreciate them!

10. Don’t bark orders.

And if you ARE running things, be considerate with how you manage and delegate. Events can feel way more high stakes than day-to-day work for everyone involved. Tensions will run high. Ask for help with a specific task instead of giving an order. Slight rhetorical shifts can make grunt work sound a whole lot less demeaning.

What tips would you add? xoxo

P.S. 11 Ways to Sneak in Healthy Habits When You’re Traveling.

mid-week round-up

Hope everyone had a SPOOKTACULAR Halloween! I didn’t dress up as anything this year OR hand out candy (we haven’t gotten any beggars the last 2 years)… I know, I know, I’m basically a Halloween Scrooge. Not to mention, I’m not doing sugar at the moment so scarfing a few fun-sized Snickers isn’t even in the cards! At least I did a little Halloween craftin’ and hung up fun decor. Hope you enjoy the rest of your week (Can you believe it’s November??), and here are some links for you to check out…

A perfect 30 piece, Fall capsule wardrobe. (Just clothes.)

Related: My Autumn 2017 Capsule Wardrobe

Anthony Rapp says women speaking out about sexual misconduct in the entertainment industry has compelled him to come forward about an Oscar winner.

Finally, proof that Sister Act is a bi-racial lesbian rom-com!

Wouldn’t you love to tote this glitter bomb to the gym?

Related: Simple Cure – Drink More Water

Famous historical witch hunts.

Adding this show to my Netflix queue.

Forget sweater weather. What about hoodie weather!

An interview with Nikole Hannah-Jones about the persistence of segregation in American life.

Yale senior tells heartbreaking story of accidentally turning her dad in to ICE.

A catfishing story with a happy ending!

Perfect for all your Fall manis.

Here’s what a 1974 wedding would cost in 2017 dollars.

P.S. A few Finding Delight posts you may have missed — Our Wedding Reception and Budget-Friendly Ideas for Fall Free-Time.

Simple Cure: Drink more water.

Since (ALMOST completely) giving up soda about five years ago (I still have the occasional ginger ale or sprite as a rare treat), I’ve become borderline obsessive about water consumption. And because I really and truly believe it was the OMG DUHHH solution to so many of my problems, I will shout this simple cure from the mountain tops!


For me, it went a little something like this–

“Guess what! You’re not tired; you’re thirsty!”

“You know why your muscles are sore? You’re thirsty!”

“You probably aren’t hungry this often….yep, you guessed it, THIRSTY!”


Energy levels stay up, muscle recovery is quicker, non-sinus headaches are pretty much a thing of the past…

Still not convinced? Here are my top reasons why you should be toting a bottle around with you morning, noon and night:

1. Water keeps your skin looking fabulous. When you’re dehydrated, your body isn’t able to eliminate toxins through the skin and this can lead to all sorts of epidermal disorders such as dermatitis and psoriasis, not to mention discoloration and wrinkles. Chronic dehydration causes the bodies largest organ, it’s skin, to pretty much prematurely whither away.

2. Water can lower your blood pressure. When fully hydrated, your blood is about 92% water. When dehydrated, your blood gets way thicker which causes resistance to blood flow and higher blood pressure.

3. Water helps you digest your food better. Lack of water can lead to ulcers, gastritis and acid reflux.

5. Water lets you maintain an active lifestyle. All your joints have a cartilage padding around them which is mostly comprised of water. When you aren’t getting enough h2o, this cartilage gets really weak and joint repair slows way down, leading to all sorts of aches and pains.

6. Water fights off allergies and asthma. Your body will try to conserve water by constricting your airways. The rate of histamine you produce will actually increase as you lose more and more water.

Commit! Find a system that works for you and start chugging. I promise, you will feel the difference.

And to help you in your journey towards adequate hydration, I’ve rounded up some awesome vessels to store, transport and make it more fun to imbibe!


For your nightstand:

Here, here and here.

For your hike:

Here, here and here.

For the gym:

Here, here and here.

For on-the-go sippin’:

Here, here and here.

For the dinner table:

Here, here and here.

and to up your game even further, learn more about watercure for a healthy body in the book “Your Body’s Many Cries for Water” by F. Batmanghelidj, M.D.

Happy sippin’!!! Cheers!